Welcome to the community! Before you jump straight into the forum, have a look at our community rules so you don’t piss anyone off - thanks!
Do not discriminate against anyone in the community! Difference of opinion is expected, but that does not give you permission to attack, degrade, insult, or otherwise belittle anyone. Harassment, gaslighting or abuse of any member is a serious offense that can lead to permanently being ejected from the community.
To keep Daddy’s Dollhouse an inclusive space, we must be mindful of each other, especially of comments that may seem disrespectful or hurtful based on race/ethnicity, religion, sexuality, gender and kink!
Anyone age 18 or older is allowed to make a community account. While we may not cater to Giantess/shrunken man content, those folks are still welcome here. We want to provide a space for straight Giantesses and shrunken men to explore switching, their bicuriosity or general curiosity.
Being a diverse community, discussions will be more lenient on this rule, but when it comes to content creation and advertising, please make sure you keep the following in mind.
(ie: M/f, M/m, M/f+m M/nonbinary, M/trans)
(ie: M/f, F/f, M+F/f, NONBINARY/f, TRANS/f)
We suggest checking out a community like Giantesscity instead 👍
To protect this community for the long term, let’s follow some simple content sharing rules!
Rest assured, Tags are mandatory for any new forum post!
Aside from your own personal details, no posting personal details of other community members without prior and explicit permission.
Do not publicly share private or confidential conversations without prior and explicit permission of all parties involved.
Take the time to read someone’s size preference and/or gender pronoun(s) on their profile, don’t just assume - ask first! This also applies to those looking for a roleplay partner. If a user doesn’t specifically on their profile if they roleplay, ask first if they’re open to it! Some people already have roleplay partners or don’t enjoy roleplaying - and that’s OK! Other community members may have hard lines on certain content as well, so please practice mindfulness!
If another user is making you uncomfortable, please clearly and respectfully communicate with that user that you’re not comfortable with their conduct. Stewing in hate, fear or anger doesn't solve anything, and may encourage them to repeat the behavior with someone else. If things escalate between you and another user, a moderator will step in.
If another user communicates with you that they’re uncomfortable with something you said or did - they do not owe you an explanation as to why. Just because another user may be OK with this sort of engagement doesn’t mean this specific user is. If you’re unsure of your boundaries with said user, ask for clarification. This user does not need to hear your reasoning for your actions. Please just be respectful and do not do that to them again.
Celebrate our unique culture! If you don’t like something, do not leave hurtful, awkward or otherwise insensitive comments. If you have nothing nice to say, the best option is to say nothing at all.
There isn’t one person on this forum who will like EVERYTHING that they see or read, so we all must practice a certain level of respect and acceptance for our fellow community members. We might not like what they like, but we all agree they deserve a space to explore their kinks just as much as anyone else does!
Do not spam and do not derail threads
Tag, tag, tag! All new posts need at least 3 tags to be published, but if you have more tags you want to add, do it! Your community members will thank you. Remember, you can add up to 15 tags per post.
Post advertisements in the paid services section.
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